In the light of the recent emergency situation, due to the exponential spread of Corona-virus, we would like to express our solidarity to all the people who are affected and especially to all the patients and healthcare personnel (doctors, nurses etc.) who are giving their fight against the new corona-virus.


Further to this urgent situation we would like to take a more active stance


We believe that Healthcare Institutes can leverage on QR-Patrol & MyLoneWorkers solutions to manage their workforce more effectively, save time and resources to channel them where they matter the most, saving lives!


How QR-Patrol & MyLoneWorkers solutions may assist Healthcare Institutes:

  • Real-time communication between workers and supervisors at anytime / anywhere.
  • Fast response times via real-time Incident reporting (enriched with multimedia)
  • Faster mobilization of workers/volunteers in case of emergency
  • On the spot instructions to volunteers
  • Reduction of administrative time through the automation of workers’ routine tasks monitoring/reporting


Contact our team today to inform you about how QR-Patrol & MyLoneWorkers may add value to your fight against the COVID-19 pandemic with immediate effect.

Contact Us




And remember, by following the medical experts’ instructions and recommendations, we will ensure
personal and public health and get back to our daily routine soon!