Taking into account that over 7.5 million guard tours are executed every day, it’s easy to realize the importance of structuring a methodology behind each one, so as to get the most regarding security and efficiency. Struggling to manage all the stuff and get things done by overcoming obstacles and daily malfunctions? Try to incorporate the following 5 tips in your daily security patrol routine:
1. Security patrols need to be properly organized in advance
This means that the managing staff has to take into consideration all the various parameters that deal with the security patrols. Each guard should have no doubts about the way he is going to execute the guard tour but be in advance aware of the certain actions he will have to accomplish under predefined time intervals so as to perform his tasks accurately. The guard should also be aware of the predefined route he should follow while the managing staff should have make clear all the relevant directions about how security patrols should be executed. Improvisation is not a desired plan when talking about security and each part of the security patrol procedure should be comprehensible and clear from the scratch. The automation of the whole procedure will save time for the guard and resources for the security company.
2. Checkpoints should be placed in appropriate positions
One of the most important factors of a successful security patrol is the appropriate allocation of the checkpoints within the guarded area. Checkpoints should be allocated in a way that no part or side of the building / area will be exposed to risk. Moreover, they should be placed on points that are easily accessible and not difficult to reach for the guard or set a danger for his physical safety. It should also be taken into account that checkpoints should be placed so as to avoid extreme weather conditions, bearing in mind their technical data and IP codes.
3. Invest in a “Mobile security guard” scheme
Smartphone is a trend. And it has become a trend due to the simplicity it offers. It is a unique privilege to carry a device in your pocket that can help you in any aspect of your life by simply touching some buttons and downloading some applications. Guard tour applications can also facilitate the daily job of a security guard, converting him to a “mobile security guard”. The guards can execute guard tours and communicate with the managing staff by means of mobile technology and by using simple guard tour applications on their smartphone. They can stay connected with any event and transmit immediately any information regarding the guard tour, accelerating the procedures and improving the growth rate and productivity of the company.
4. Use security patrol management software to increase your officers security – not only thinking of security guard tracking
Security companies should be able to monitor their guards but also make easier their daily life. That means that the establishment of a guard tour monitoring software should not be treated as a “big brother” for the guards that may cause suspicions regarding their working environment. Security guard tracking systems should mainly focus on increasing guards’ security level during their security patrols. The guards should realize that a guard monitoring system will offer them the possibility to send immediate alerts in case of a danger and that they are not alone during their security patrols. Additionally, the managing staff can get real-time notifications (via images, sound or voice messages) respecting each guards’ situation and get information about the problems occurring or action needed to be taken so as to ensure security for both assets and staff.
5. Arm security guards with all necessary security equipment and motivate them
Successful security services rely on both company’s organizational infrastructure and guards’ abilities and productivity. Each security company which focuses on guard tour protection should invest on its guards, arming them with all the necessary security guard equipment and motivating them so as to increase their daily efficiency and ensure for the security of assets (buildings and areas). The security guards know better than anyone else about the problems of a specific guarded area or building and are the people who will transmit this information to the managing staff. So, it is obvious that the managing staff should arm guards with the best available equipment (physical equipment, hardware or software) so as to record in detail any failure or occurring incident.
Feeling anxious about organizing your patrols in a successful way? Get in touch with us to discuss how QR-Patrol guard monitoring system can help you automate your daily security business and manage your guard tours in a modern and efficient way!